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Frequently Asked Questions - Jeffrey Dawes MD

Frequently Asked Questions

Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox, Xeomin)

BOTOX® is the trade name of Botulinum Toxin Type A, a purified toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Xeomin is a different brand, but works in the same way. Used in small amounts, they paralyze muscles and prevent them from contracting, thereby diminishing or preventing associated wrinkles.

Results can vary for each individual; the average is three-to-four months when proper BOTOX dilution is used.

Those who can be licensed to administer BOTOX injections are limited to:

  • Physicians actively licensed by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
  • Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners actively licensed by the College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta, who are injecting with sufficient education and training in this procedure, and with support from a physician
  • Licensed Practical Nurses actively registered with the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta who are injecting with additional education and training in this procedure, and with support from a physician
  • Aestheticians, medical aestheticians and dentists are NOT licensed to administer BOTOX in Alberta unless they meet the above criteria

BOTOX has been licensed in Canada since 1990 as a safe and effective treatment for a variety of medical conditions. In 2001, Health Canada approved its use specifically for wrinkle therapy. BOTOX® has become the most popular physician-administered cosmetic treatment in North America, with an estimated three-million treatments performed annually.

It is important to ensure your BOTOX® procedure is administered by a fully-licensed practitioner who:

  • Is licensed in Alberta for injections (please see FAQ ‘Who can perform BOTOX injections in Alberta?’)
  • Has experience in injections and cosmetic procedures, with additional training in injecting BOTOX®, and who is prepared and qualified to handle any complications
  • Has a very strong knowledge of facial anatomy
  • Is someone you are completely comfortable with and trust

BOTOX® injections are generally well-tolerated. Some common side effects are localized discomfort or tenderness, swelling, redness, bruising and headache—which usually resolve within one week. Patients may experience uneven or an incomplete response to treatment. Rarely, patients have been reported to develop a slight lowering of an eyelid (ptosis), or slight lowering of the forehead. This is usually temporary and resolves within a few weeks. During consultation, Dr. Dawes will discuss all risks of your particular treatment, which will also be fully-disclosed in writing prior to treatment.

There are very few restrictions regarding the use of BOTOX. Those who are pregnant, nursing or have a neurological disease should not be treated. Please contact our office for more information.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian butt lift surgery has several advantages over silicone buttock implants. These include:

  • More natural appearance
  • Minimal scarring
  • Less painful recovery
  • No implant related complications
  • Rounder, fuller buttocks

As with all cosmetic surgeries, that are risks involved. These may include (but are not limited to) bleeding, infection, swelling, excess fluid build up or blood clots. Dr. Dawes will discuss these with your curing your consultation.

During a traditional butt lift, excess skin and fat are removed from patients and the buttock skin is lifted and tightened. This is most commonly done in the context of significant weight loss and results in a large waist-line scar.


Generally, no. Patients’ results will be over-volumized initially as we know that up to 50% of the volume may eventually be lost. However, despite the recent popularity of very large buttocks, Dr. Dawes feels that more natural results will be ultimately more satisfying and have less long-term complications.

The recovery for this procedure can be substantial. Dr. Dawes would prefer not to perform concomitant procedures.


No. You may schedule surgery at any time. Surgeon fees presented at the time of your consultation are valid for six months from the consultation date.

You may contact our office at any time after your consultation with questions. You may schedule a second consultation with no additional charge. One week prior to surgery, you will be contacted by our office to review the pre-operative plan and answer any last minute questions.

Photographs are optional. However, photographs are an important part of your patient record and also serve as a reference for Dr. Dawes throughout the course of your care. You will sign a consent form specific for photographs that will also allow you to choose whether they are to remain a private part of your patient record, or whether you will allow Dr. Dawes to use them for education and/or research purposes. If coming for a facial consultation, makeup should be kept to a minimum to allow Dr. Dawes to more effectively evaluate your natural appearance, both before and after surgery.

You may elect to bring a friend or family member to support you during your consultation. It is important to keep in mind however, that the decision to undergo treatment is one that must be self-directed. You should allow no-one to make your decision for you.

A $100 fee is applied for all initial aesthetic consultations. However, the overall cost of the procedure will be adjusted by the same amount should you decide to schedule a procedure.

Chemical Peels

The first step is very similar to a facial with the clinician cleansing and toning skin before applying the peel solution. Once your face is cleansed and free of dirt and debris, then Our Registered Nurse/ Skin Care Expert will apply the acid or blend of acids and ask what your “tingle level” is on a scale of 1 to 10. Most people say, it stays at a one to two for the majority of the peel process. The peel experience will end with an application of corrective serums, moisturizers and our favourite sunscreen SkinCeuticals Physical Fusion to moisturize and replenish skin from the acid solution. You won’t peel instantly but instead; you’ll leave with a glowing and hydrated complexion. Over the next few days, you should prepare to see some variation of peeling. How much you peel will depend on 1) how many layers of the solution was applied and 2) how your skin reacts to the solution. Peeling can range from minor flaking to sheeting.

The state of your skin after a peel depends on the type of chemical used and your skin type. Superficial peels have limited effects. Medium peels may cause some redness. Peeling generally starts to occur at day 2-3 post peel and can range from minor flaking to sheeting.

Superficial peels are quite safe, although minor irritation of the skin can occur.

  1. Light Peels- The light peel takes approximately three to five days to complete the shedding process. The skin may or may not flake and fall away. No downtime required.
  2. Medium Peels- Medium peels usually persist for five to seven days. The skin can range from minor flaking to sheeting.

Post-treatment care:

  • Avoid sun exposure, including sun beds, for a minimum of 1-week
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or swimming for 24-hours
  • No waxing, extractions, electrolysis, radiation therapy or microdermabrasion for at least 1-week
  • Don’t rub, pick or irritate skin
  • Do not use any AHAs, BHAs, Retinols, hydroquinone for 5 days. No type of exfoliating mask for 24-hours
  • Moisturize the skin day and night
  • Use sunscreen!

Our Registered Nurse/ Skin Care Expert will make recommendations based on your skin type and concerns. We offer medical grade skincare formulated and backed by science.

  • Sun worshippers/sunbed users
  • Pregnancy/ Breast feeding
  • Accutane- avoid for 6 – 12 months prior to peel
  • Recent microdermabrasion
  • Porphyria
  • Diabetes
  • Skin diseases
  • Radiation treatment or traumatized skin
  • Fever blisters (not a contraindication but an outbreak can occur)
  • Recent use of AHAs, BHAs, Retinols, hydroquinone, and Glycolic acids (Ask our Registered Nurse/ Skin Care expert for more information)

Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a commonly-used dermal filler made of the same complex sugar that is found naturally in body tissues, such as skin and cartilage. It is used in a smooth gel form, and binds to water in the deep layers of skin to create more volume and elasticity—allowing an effective, temporary treatment that can fill facial lines and wrinkles, restore lost volume and enhance facial contours.

In addition to the initial consultation, a dermal filler procedure can take from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on areas to be treated.

There is temporary discomfort as the injection is made with a fine needle into the skin. We offer topical anesthetics and fillers containing local anesthetics to help ease any discomfort. Dr. Dawes and/or his Nurse injector have injected thousands of patients and help to ensure that they experience the least amount of pain possible.

Dermal filler procedures are generally well-tolerated. Some common side effects are related to localized skin reactions, such as redness, tenderness and bruising, and usually resolve within one week. Other side effects may depend on the specific treatment and products used. All risks of your particular treatment are discussed by Dr. Dawes and/or his Nurse injector at the time of consultation, and will be fully disclosed in writing prior to treatment.

Results vary, depending on type of dermal filler and treatment used, and patient individuality. Average result time:

  • Hyaluronic acid, up to one year
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiesse), up to one year

Even though considered temporary, improperly placed hyaluronic acid can be reversed with the injection of an enzyme, for rapid breakdown of the filler. Calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiesse) is not reversible, however the effects will dissolve completely after 8-12 months.

Those who can be licensed to administer dermal filler injections are limited to:

  • Physicians actively licensed by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta
  • Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners actively licensed by the College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta, who are injecting with sufficient education and training in this procedure, and with support from a physician
  • Licensed Practical Nurses actively registered with the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta who are injecting with additional education and training in this procedure, and with support from a physician

Aestheticians, medical aestheticians and dentists are NOT licensed to administer dermal fillers in Alberta unless they meet the above criteria.


This depends on your lifestyle. If you can avoid prolonged sun exposure then yes, you can get laser treatments in the summer. If you plan on being outside in the sun without protection (SPF & a hat) then we would recommend that you postpone your treatments until the fall or winter.

Typically no. Our registered nurse/laser technician can assess you to determine whether you are a candidate for laser. Depending on the treatment and the area being treated there are different recommendations but in general, the skin must not be tanned in order to have a laser treatment.

This depends on what type of treatment you are undergoing. BBL treatments are not painful. The halo laser will feel hot and you will experience some pain for about 45-60 minutes after the treatment but then it completely goes away and is quite tolerable. Deep resurfacing laser treatments are painful but our office provides many forms of pain relief including oral, topical and local anesthetic.

This depends on what type of laser treatment you are having. There is no downtime associated with BBL. Halo has 5-7 days downtime. Deep resurfacing has a 2 week downtime and then prolonged redness (few months) which can be covered with makeup.

Our laser is a state of the art medical grade laser called the Sciton Joule. This platform has many different lasers built into it. We have a Broad Band Light (BBL) system which is the world’s most powerful IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) device on the market. We also have a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser; the Halo laser which is a hybrid of two laser wavelengths (1470nm and 2940nm); a full resurfacing Erbium YAG laser (2940nm) and a Profractional ablative laser, which is also the 2940nm wavelength but instead of treating the entire surface of the skin it just treats a fraction of the skin - creating channels in the surface.

Many including: unwanted hair growth, spider veins and small facial vessels, rosacea, acne, pigment and wrinkles.


Eyelash growth is a cyclical process, where each lash may be in a different phase of growth. In the growth phase, a new lash begins growing and pushes out the older lash in front of it. The length, thickness and darkness of the lash are determined by how long it spends in the growth phase. LATISSE® prolongs this active growth phase, so that your lashes have more time to grow.

Over-the-counter eyelash products focus on conditioning and moisturizing lashes to increase the health and length of the lash. LATISSE® has been clinically proven to actually grow lashes noticeably longer, fuller and darker.

Yes. However, you must remove your contact lenses prior to application of LATISSE® and reinsert lenses 15 minutes after application. LATISSE® contains benzalkonium chloride, which may be absorbed by soft contact lenses if left in during application.

Common side effects are itchy eyes, redness of the eyelid and/or skin darkening, which has been observed in approximately four per cent of clinical trial patients (please call our office for more information on LATISSE® clinical trial results). There is a very small potential for increased spots of brown iris-pigmentation in persons with light-coloured eyes, which may be permanent. This increased iris pigmentation is associated at a very low incidence when the active ingredient of LATISSE® (bimatoprost) is instilled directly into the eye.

Over several weeks to months, eyelashes will return to their previous appearance.

Skin Cancer (Mohs) Patients

Wait times vary—ranging from 3-6 months, depending on a number of factors. Priority is given to patients whose tumours are considered ‘urgent’ over patients with lesions of a less urgent nature.

Prior to surgery and after obtaining a medical history—patients will be contacted with instructions about which medications to stop before surgery, and when they should stop taking them. In some cases, patients are referred to an internal medicine specialist prior to booking their Mohs procedure.

Space in the waiting room at the surgical centre is limited; therefore, there is not room for every patient to have a family member stay with them. Patients requiring a translator, those who have significant memory issues or have special needs are required to have a friend of family member stay with them at the surgery centre for the entire length of their procedure.

All Mohs micrographic surgery is performed under local anesthesia.

"I don’t like needles" is a phrase often heard in the clinic. The pain associated with the administration of a local anesthetic is difficult to avoid completely despite flawless technique. Dr. Dawes has injected thousands of patients and helps to ensure that they experience the least amount of pain possible. Typically, Dr. Dawes will use a combination of fast-acting and long-lasting local anesthetics to minimize the need for repeat injections.

Patients should plan to be at the surgical facility for the entire day; 5-8 hours is typical. On occasion, patients may be required to stay later. Snacks will be provided, though patients are encouraged to bring a lunch. Please arrange to have someone drop you off and then pick you up from the Calgary Mohs Surgical Centre (CMSC) around 3pm. If we finish earlier (or if you will need to stay longer), we will call your ride to inform them. There is also a phone in our waiting room for patient use.

Usually, yes. Occasionally, Dr. Dawes may have to delay the repair, or perform it under a general anesthetic at the South Health Campus Hospital.

Patients should not drive themselves. We advise all patients to ensure they have a ride home from the surgical facility.

Upon completion of the procedure, patients are provided with written instructions for wound care, along with a phone number to call 24/7 with questions or concerns. Alternatively, patients may book an appointment to see Dr. Dawes on an urgent basis to have their questions answered.

Usually, patients will return to the Mohs surgical facility for their follow-up appointment.

Most patients are asked to return for follow-up at six weeks and again at three months following their Mohs procedure and reconstruction. Specific instructions are provided for patients following their procedure(s).

Your Surgical Experience

Accreditation is a review process by a governing body that determines whether a surgical facility meets specific standards of safety and operations. All of the facilities in which Dr. Dawes operates are fully accredited.

Typically, reconstructive surgery is covered by Alberta Health Care insurance, while aesthetic surgery is not. For both, there are exceptions where all or part of a procedure may or may not be covered by Alberta Health & Wellness.

Cosmetic surgery is performed to improve a healthy, normal and/or functioning part of the body. The goal of reconstructive surgery is to restore normal appearance or function in correction of an abnormality caused by disease, trauma, infection or a birth defect.

Yes. Information for third-party financing is available upon request. More information on payment policies.

Every person and every procedure is different. Details regarding your recovery will be discussed with you in detail during your consultation. This may include how you will feel, post-operative medications, and how to treat your incisions, as well as what you can and should not do during your recovery.

Complications, while infrequent, can occasionally occur. Prior to leaving the surgical facility, you will be provided with a list of signs and symptoms that could indicate a potential complication. A 24-hour contact number will be provided should you have any concerns.

Ideally, Dr. Dawes would like to see you within two weeks following your surgery. This appointment will be pre-arranged before your procedure. Follow-up will continue at varying intervals for up to one year to allow your body to settle and your scars to mature. During these visits, photographs will be taken to allow for a serial evaluation of your results.

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Contact us today to learn more about our plastic surgery products & services.

Book a consultation online or call 403.571.3141

“My role, in part, is to assist patients through the process of determining which surgical or non-surgical options would help them meet their aesthetic goals and realistic expectations” - Jeffrey C. Dawes MD, FRCSC


Schedule A Consultation

Fill out the form Or call us

What Happens in a Consultation?

  1. You will meet Dr. Dawes for an individualized, comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Dawes will offer individualized recommendations regarding the best treatment options available to you in a way that will allow you to make a confident, well-informed decision.

  2. You will then meet with a staff member to review your customized quote, discuss financial options and ask questions.

  3. Discuss potential treatment or procedure dates.

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Closed Friday December 20 - Jan 1

and Re-open Thursday January 2nd at 8:30 a.m.

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