What can you do about a double chin?

nice long hairdo optimistic lady without clothes hand neck closed eyes Having excess skin and fat under the chin is pretty frustrating – it can make you look older than you are, but there are no exercises you can do to easily get rid of it. However, if you have finally decided to do something about a double chin, you do have options!

Surgical ways to treat a double chin

A facelift is one way to get rid of a double chin and sagging jowls. In a facelift, excess skin is removed and underlying muscle and tissue are repositioned and tightened. Modern facelift techniques leave the skin looking refreshed and toned but still natural. Facelift results are permanent (although you will continue to see the effects of aging!). Or, you can opt for a neck lift, which concentrates on the muscles and the skin around the neck. A neck lift is often performed along with a facelift.

Nonsurgical ways to treat a double chin

If you aren’t quite ready for a surgical procedure, an injectable may be a better option. Belkyra (also known as Kybella) is an injectable used to treat the chin area. It is made of deoxycholic acid, which eliminates fat cells. It has many advantages over surgery – it can be performed in your doctor’s office, it typically takes only about half an hour, and there is minimal downtime. Most patients report, at most, some numbness and swelling, but no pain.

CoolSculpting is another nonsurgical, noninvasive way to reduce fat in the chin. A device is simply moved across the area to be treated – this device freezes fat cells, which die and are naturally and harmlessly flushed out of the body. A CoolSculpting session takes about half an hour and you can go back to your regular activities as soon as you leave your doctor’s office. And of course, CoolSculpting can be used on other areas of the body as well.

A double chin can make you look older than you are, but it is close to impossible to get rid of on your own. Call the office of Jeffrey C. Dawes, MD, FRCSC Plastic and Dermatologic Surgery in Calgary to discuss your options to get rid of your double chin. Call (403) 571-3141 today!

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“My role, in part, is to assist patients through the process of determining which surgical or non-surgical options would help them meet their aesthetic goals and realistic expectations” - Jeffrey C. Dawes MD, FRCSC


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What Happens in a Consultation?

  1. You will meet Dr. Dawes for an individualized, comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Dawes will offer individualized recommendations regarding the best treatment options available to you in a way that will allow you to make a confident, well-informed decision.

  2. You will then meet with a staff member to review your customized quote, discuss financial options and ask questions.

  3. Discuss potential treatment or procedure dates.

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