A breast lift will not change the size of your breasts. The surgery will lift the tissue you do have but not the size. Women who want more volume in their breasts may want to consider a breast lift with augmentation, while women who want smaller breasts may want a breast reduction.
Good candidates for surgery have realistic expectations. You need to make this decision for yourself and not because someone else wants you to have it done. You’re also a good candidate if you are healthy and maintain a stable weight, a non-smoker, and are bothered by the sagging and other changes in your breasts.
Incision lines will be visible but fade over time. Some lines are concealed in the natural breast contours, but some scars will be visible on the breast surface. There are different techniques and incision patterns that will be considered based upon your breast size and shape, the size and position of your areolae, the degree of sagging and the skin quality and elasticity. Your surgeon will take your anatomy and desires into account to recommend the best approach for your needs.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help maintain and prolong results. Your final results may take a few months to appear as you heal, but these results are worth the wait. While your breasts will continue to be affected by the natural aging process, you can help maintain results by keeping a healthy weight. Too much fluctuation in weight can affect the results.
If you think you may benefit from breast lift surgery, schedule a consultation online or call 403.571.3141.