4 common myths about implants
1. They aren’t safe. Every surgical procedure comes with some risks, but if you are considering breast implants you should know that hundreds of thousands of women safely have the procedure every year and have no issues with their breast implants.
2. They will look fake. You might think it will be easy for everyone to tell if you have implants; however, the right plastic surgeon using the right techniques and the right type of implants can help to ensure your implants will look natural.
3. They will need to be replaced in a few years. This one has some truth to it, but there is really no way to say for sure how long implants will last. They may last 10 years or even longer – some implants last for decades.
4. Recovery from surgery takes a long time and the whole thing will be very painful. Of course it will take time to recover, but typically only 2 to 4 weeks. Most patients feel, at most, discomfort as they recover, which can last for about a week after the surgery. Most patients don’t even need prescription pain medication, as over-the-counter pain reliever is enough to make them feel better.
Deciding whether or not to get breast implants is a big decision, but the staff at the office of Jeffrey C. Dawes, MD, FRCSC Plastic and Dermatologic Surgery in Calgary can help. They can discuss your options and concerns with you and answer all of your questions, so that you can make a decision that is right for you. Call (403) 571-3141 for a breast implant consultation today!