4 things you should know about eyelid surgery

istock 1131796163 Your eyes can tell a lot about you. If your eyes are saying you look tired, sad or even much older than you are, then it may be time to have a consultation with Dr. Dawes to talk about ways to restore a youthful look to your face. Eyelid surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can remove excess skin, fat and tighten muscles in the eye area to help you look refreshed—even improve your vision. Here are four things you should know about eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty:

Most people over the age of 40 could benefit from eyelid surgery. Our eyes show the effects of gravity, sun exposure, dry air and stress as we age. Loose skin on the upper eyelids can droop or hang over your eyes and block vision. Bags, wrinkles and dark circles under the lower eyelids can make you look older as well.

You can have upper and lower eyelids done in the same setting. The procedures for both are done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation and can be done together or separately. Excess skin and fat are removed on the upper lid, while muscles are tightened. Fat pads and skin are removed during lower eyelid surgery to help reduce wrinkles and puffy bags from under the eyes.

You will have some scarring, but incision lines will be hidden. Incision lines on the upper eyelids are designed to follow the natural crease of the upper eyelid, while incision lines for lower eyelid surgery are made just below the lash line on the lower lid. Small stitches are removed one week after surgery, and you can expect scars to fade over time, hidden by the natural creases of the eyelid.

Recovery is not very painful. Your eyes may be blurry and watery, sticky, dry or itchy for a few days after surgery, but most patients only need over-the-counter medication to take care of any pain or discomfort. Bruising and swelling resolves after a couple of weeks. Most people return to work 7-10 days after surgery.

Eyelid surgery can restore a vibrant, youthful look to your face. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Dawes online or call 403.571.3141.

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“My role, in part, is to assist patients through the process of determining which surgical or non-surgical options would help them meet their aesthetic goals and realistic expectations” - Jeffrey C. Dawes MD, FRCSC


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What Happens in a Consultation?

  1. You will meet Dr. Dawes for an individualized, comprehensive evaluation. Dr. Dawes will offer individualized recommendations regarding the best treatment options available to you in a way that will allow you to make a confident, well-informed decision.

  2. You will then meet with a staff member to review your customized quote, discuss financial options and ask questions.

  3. Discuss potential treatment or procedure dates.

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