What Will Recovery From a Butt Lift Be Like?
In a Brazilian butt lift procedure, fat is taken from one area of the body and placed into the buttocks to give you a toned backside with curves in all the right places. There is very little risk of complications because the fat that is being used is from your own body. Many people wonder, “How bad is the recovery from a BBL?”
There are some things you should know about your recovery after BBL surgery:
- You should avoid doing anything too strenuous, such as working out, for at least six weeks. Less strenuous exercise, such as walking or yoga, may be all right, although you should ask your doctor first.
- You should avoid putting weight on your buttocks. Limit how much time you spend sitting until the pain and swelling have gone down, and after that, when you do sit, use a soft pillow. When you lie down, sleep on your side or your stomach for the first few weeks after the procedure.
- Make sure you take time to recover. Relax, rest, and pamper yourself. Enlist friends and family for help around the house and with running errands (after all, you shouldn’t be sitting in the car, either!). You should plan on missing work for about 2 weeks.
- You will need to wear a compression garment for about 2 weeks after the procedure.
- It takes time for swelling to subside, so do not be disappointed if you do not see the results you were hoping for right away.
Of course, your doctor will give you detailed instructions to follow after your butt lift procedure. Make sure to follow them and take good care of yourself.
How Long Are You Bedridden After BBL?
Recovery from a BBL takes two to three months, but you will only need to stay in bed for the first day or so. By day two, you should be able to start walking to improve circulation and maintain circulation.
During the recovery period, you will receive pain medication to help ease some of the pain you experience during the recovery period and make the process more comfortable. It can help for you to have a caretaker during the first week of recovery so that you are better able to adjust and prepare for what to expect three weeks after BBL.
How Long After BBL Can I Drive?
You are generally able to drive around two weeks after receiving a Brazilian butt lift. Although you are not supposed to sit directly on your buttocks after surgery, you can use a BBL pillow while behind the wheel. This ensures that the full force of your weight is not placed directly on your buttocks during this time. Your surgeon will discuss the right time to drive based on your recovery progress.
What To Expect 3 Weeks After BBL
Three to four weeks after your surgery, you may still have lingering swelling. However, it should continue to diminish week to week. During this time, you should pay close attention to caring for the site of the injections and the donor site. It is important to spend as little time as possible sitting down each day. This will ensure your buttocks continue to heal properly and evenly. You will want to take frequent walks to promote good circulation, which prevents blood clots and promotes healing.. If you are still experiencing significant pain or discomfort or have extreme swelling, you must reach out to our office immediately.
Between three and six weeks post-op, you will want to focus on increasing your mobility. Gradually reduce the compression time and begin to focus on habits that can help to maintain your Brazilian butt lift results. Most patients notice that at the four-week mark , they can drastically reduce the amount of time they wear their compression garments. However, this is generally determined on a case-by-case basis. If this is not the case for you, do not be alarmed.
How Long Does a Butt Lift Last?
The results that you receive from your Brazilian butt lift will be semi-permanent in nature. This is due to the fact that fat cells change over time. Nonetheless, you can expect between 60% and 70% of the transferred fat will last for several years. Taking steps to maintain your results can prolong them, allowing you to benefit from them for decades without the need for follow-up treatment.
Am I a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Individuals interested in getting a BBL should be a healthy weight. Having some excess fat is beneficial to ensure there is enough to extract for the procedure. Patients who are too thin will not typically have enough fat to transfer and consider other forms of buttock augmentation. Patients should have a maximum BMI of 32 to perform this procedure, though having a BMI over 30 does increase the risk of complications from general anesthesia.
In addition to meeting the weight requirements, patients should also not smoke and be in good general health. Patients with certain underlying conditions and those who are immunocompromised are not ideal candidates for this surgical procedure. To determine if you are a good candidate for a BBL, it is best that you reach out to our team.
Schedule a Consultation Today
If you are interested in a butt lift procedure, call the office of Jeffrey C. Dawes, MD, FRCSC Plastic and Dermatologic Surgery. Dr. Dawes brings more than 17 years of post-secondary education and a wealth of experience to every procedure. Dr. Dawes is fully committed to helping patients achieve the best possible results while providing skilled and professional treatment at every step. See if a Brazilian butt lift is right for you by calling our office in Calgary at 888-403-8151 to schedule a consultation.